Under the ECARP (Every Child
A Reader Program), the Philippine Reading Inventory (Phil. IRI – Oral Reading) was finalized in a workshop and distributed to all regions and divisions for field
administration. A policy
on the administration of the Phil. IRI in all elementary schools was directed through DepEd
Memorandum No. 324, 2004 Administration of the Philippine Informal Reading Inventory.” Orientation
on the administration of the Phil-IRI on the basis of the manual was the responsibility
of regions and divisions. Results of the pretest will be bases for implementing
interventions to address children who are reading below their level.
Two hundred (200) sets of the Phil.
IRI (oral reading-Pretest) consisting of: 1) Manual for Administration, 2) Teacher’s copy of the Phil-IRI, Assessment
Tools for pupils, and 3) Forms for reporting pupils reading level from the school and to division, region and national level
were produced and distributed.
Another set of the Phil. IRI for the post-test is being edited for production and distribution next